
Salus Bijoux Baby Life Jacket – 9-25lbs – Frogs

This is the life jacket (PFD) everyone has been dreaming about. The Salus Bijoux Baby Life Jacket fills a real void in the water safety product line; it is made specifically for infants from 9-25 lbs. Designed conscientiously for babies top-heavy bodies, this vest will allow you to safely take your wee ones for a swim or out on the water.

The Salus Bijoux Baby Life Jacket is not a scaled-down adult PFD. It is constructed specifically for babies’ top/head-heavy body structure and takes into account the real way an infants’s body would behave in the water. Its one-piece front design absolutely ensures that the baby will turn face up when in the water.

The Bijoux is not an approved PFD, simply because there is no approval for types meant for users under 20 lbs. However, Transport Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard recognize the Bijoux as an appropriate safety device for infants under 20 lbs.

USCG recommends: “if an infant (below 20lbs) is onboard a recreational boat, there must be an infant Type II personal flotation device (PFD) available for that individual. You must be sure you know the PFD you have works for your infant.  Otherwise we recommend the child not be exposed to any risk in a boat on the water.”

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